
'It feels a bit like a defeat'

Carl Jenkinson continued his run at right back on Wednesday night as we were pegged back by Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League.

It was Jenkinson’s cross that led to the own goal that put us 2-1 up on the night, but Lucas’ equaliser means we must better PSG’s result in the final group game to finish top.

This is what Carl said after the game:

on if the result feels like a blow…
Yeah it does. I feel like, for the majority of the game, we were the better team and we could have won it. But it wasn’t meant to be. It’s frustrating because I think it’s a game we could have won.

on if the result could have gone either way…
I think so. You see Cavani’s chance at the end with his head… they could have nicked it as well. But I think we were the stronger team so it’s a bit disappointing when you haven’t won.

on not seeing the game out…
Yeah I know. We’ve done well to come back from 1-0 down and then go 2-1 up. The header is a bit unfortunate with the way it’s ended up going in the back of the net. But that’s football.

on hoping Ludogorets do Arsenal a favour…
Exactly. A draw’s not a terrible result today. They’re a good team and we’re still in with a chance of winning the group going into the last game. We go to Basel now and if we can get a result, we could win the group.

on if Arsenal deserved better…
I think so. It’s frustrating we didn’t win - it feels a bit like a defeat. Everyone’s a bit flat but in the grand scheme of things it’s not a terrible result. We just have to go to Basel and get a good result.

on if it will be a blow not to top the group…
I think so. Psychologically maybe not but it will be a blow because we want to win the group. I feel the way we’ve played throughout the group, we deserve to. All you can do is go to Basel and do a job there. Hopefully we can finish top.

on the positives of these PSG games…
I think PSG are one of the better teams in the world. Personally, I felt for the most part today we were the better team, so we’ve shown that we can play against these top sides and we can dominate them at times. We’ve got to take the positives. They’re a good team and a draw is not a terrible result.

on Iwobi’s involvement in Lucas’ goal…
It’s unfortunate. It’s just flicked off his head, it can happen to anyone. That’s just football.


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