
Wenger on Ozil, Alexis and new rules

 Read on for more quotes from Friday’s pre-match press conference as the manager discusses Alexis, Mesut Ozil and new rules in the Premier League.

on if there is an update on Ozil and Alexis’ contracts…

on why that is…
We keep that internally. We make progress always, but it is not always a quick process. They still have two years [on their] contract and there is no urgency as well.

on when the talks will begin…
At the moment we have priorities, and most of the time contract extensions are done outside the window because it gives you a bit more time to focus on that.

on if they will agree terms…
Yes, I think so.


on the new rules…
I’m in favour of all of them. You are experienced as well so you know that the new rules will be difficult to push through on a longer basis, especially the dissent rule. We have seen that before and usually it weakens after a few games. The penalties on corners is an internal subject that we have talked many times about. In the longer term it has never been pushed through.

on whether he’s spoken to his players about the dissent rules…
What happens is that with every form of dissent you can get a red card. The cameras are quite accurate now in identifying everything that you say on the football pitch. We might have some surprises at the start of the season. Some teams have to be careful, us included, that they don’t play with 10 or nine men.


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