Press conference

'You go up by stairs... but down in a lift'

Arsene Wenger was understandably disappointed after we lost 3-0 to Manchester City on Thursday night. 

The Arsenal manager feels that a lack of confidence cost us. This is what he told media after the game:


on how he assesses the performance…

I felt it was a game of top intensity physically. I think we produced our highest physical performance of the season and Manchester City did as well, by quite a long way. Physically, the two teams gave a lot. I knew that the first half could have been difficult for us because we came out of Sunday’s game with a low confidence level. They came back with a very positive mindset and that’s why they took advantage of every defensive weakness we showed in the first half. At the end of the day, I must say we lost against a top-quality team who at the moment are the best team in the country. On top of that, the combination of their quality plus the fact that they’re high in confidence and we’re low in confidence played a big part in the game tonight. After that, in the second half we came out and dominated well in the first 20 minutes. We needed the penalty to go in to get a bit of momentum, so that was the killer of the game after that.

on how dangerous the lack of confidence is at the moment…

It’s always dangerous but you earn it by putting the effort in and staying together in the moments where it’s very difficult.

on confidence going quickly and coming back slowly…

You go up by stairs and come down by the lift. That’s what confidence is. That’s what you have to show, that you have the level to be at Arsenal Football Club.

on it being painful to watch City do what we have done to other teams in the past…

When your confidence is not at the best, the first thing that goes is your fluidity in the movement, the spontaneous side of the game. You could see that tonight. I don’t deny their quality because they have top quality, but we’re going through a difficult patch at the moment. That’s part of football as well unfortunately.

on how we regain confidence…

By staying united inside and focusing on the next game to continue to put the effort in.

on losing 6-0 on aggregate to Man City over two games…

I leave all these conclusions to you because every game is different. It was always going to be a big turnaround after Sunday, what we had to face. Once they took advantage of every chance they had in the first half, it was always going to be a big [challenge]. We have to accept that, at the moment, in the two games, they were better than us.

on whether he’s experienced a more difficult period in charge…

I don’t know. I leave that situation with full intensity. I don’t compare it to any other situation I’ve faced before. That’s part of my job, to deal with the situation I face, commit completely, and stay committed and focused on the next game.

on how difficult it is when the fans turn…

Do you want the fans to be happy when you’re 3-0 down? I’m surprised that you’re surprised.

on whether he was surprised by the low turnout…

It was certainly a combination of the weather conditions and the fact that we had a big disappointment on Sunday. There was a combination of the two things together.

on being under massive scrutiny going into Sunday…

We are already and we always have been, so that will not change.

on whether he’s confident there’s enough fight in the squad…

Yes of course. I’m confident of that. Nothing is permanent in life, apart from the judgements. They are always permanent but the reality in life is that nothing is permanent. It’s down to you how you respond and what kind of focus and effort you show to turn things around.

on whether Mkhitaryan, Ozil and Aubameyang have done enough since Everton win…

They need some time to adapt and things change quickly in sport. That’s part of modern sport as well. You have to accept that. Every game you lose nowadays means you’re under big pressure. These are players who have just joined us and I’m sure they’ll do well.

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