
Update on membership renewals

Saka Laca Auba

We hope you are staying safe and well. Our thoughts are with those who have been impacted by COVID-19, especially those who have lost loved ones. 

Thank you to all of you for your continued support this season. Following an unprecedented period for everyone, we would like to announce that membership renewals will open on July 14 for Junior Gunners, Cannon, Purple, Red and Silver members.   

More information on Gold Membership renewals will be announced in due course.  

This season we are introducing a 10 per cent discount on retail online and in-store, as well offering a membership pack, access to online events, regular exclusive updates for members and the chance to win prizes and rewards from the club and our partners. There are lots of benefits to enjoy, and even though we don’t know when we will see you again, we hope it’s really soon.  

Silver, Red, Purple, Cannon and Junior Gunner Membership prices will remain the same as last season. 

Membership renewal deadlines will be communicated when we have a confirmed date for the start of the Premier League season and fixtures for 2020/21.   

For us to recognise the longevity of your membership, you must renew each season using the same membership number. This applies to Junior Gunner, Cannon and Red Memberships. 

We will contact all members eligible for renewal by email on or around July 14. 

For more information on Arsenal membership click here

If you would like to join as a new Member for Season 2020/21, click here