
'Ozil is a born champion, an example to everyone'

Mesut Ozil
Mesut Ozil

Mesut Ozil delivered a memorable performance as we beat Leicester City on Monday night - and Hector Bellerin says it was the display of "a born champion".

The Spanish right-back was in fine form himself, but afterwards discussed the World Cup winner's performance with the media.

This is what Bellerin said:

on 10 wins in a row...

It’s difficult to pick up the run again once you’re on the international break because it feels like things break up a little bit so it was a big challenge for us to keep the run going. We were at home and every time we have the passion of ours fans with us it’s always that little bit easier. It was a tough first half because we knew they’re a team that plays good football and they have a lot of quality up front, but when we started playing in the second half and the passes were flowing and we could put a few attacks together the goals just kept coming.


on Mesut Ozil…

Mesut is a player that always keeps giving his best and is always surprising everyone and he’s a player that we’re very grateful and very lucky to have. When the team play well with good football and he can find space he’s always a killer with his passes and finishes, so for us to have a player like him in the team is very important.


on whether his jaw ever hits the floor when he’s watching Ozil…

It is like that! It’s like that in training and it’s like that game by game. It’s always a blessing to have players like that but the work comes from the whole team and it comes from the back from the goalkeeper to the striker. We’re all one and when you have players with such quality it’s always that little bit easier.

Ozil shoulder brush

Ozil shoulder brush


on what type of captain Ozil is…

Mesut is a player that has been through a lot in his career through loads of ups and downs, but most of all he’s a born champion and he’s a player who has so many records in the world of football, so he’s a player that is an example for everyone. Everyone wants to have the success that he’s had on and off the pitch, so for us to have someone like him as a captain is really important.


on his assessment of his performance…

These things can happen in football [the own goal]. You can’t always win and it’s something that we were a bit unlucky with as well, but it’s all about lifting your head up. It’s not about how many times you fall it’s about getting up after and with the help of my teammates we could get the game going. We knew that chances were going to come so it’s important that we scored them.


on how much more there is to give…

For us it’s always important to improve and keep things realistic. It’s a new season with a new manager and of course we’re almost in November already, so things are getting a bit easier in terms of tactically and we know the way that the coach wants to play. As you can see on the pitch we’re way more organised and the football flows a bit more, but as I’ve said, it’s only the start and there’s a lot of work we still need to do. Hopefully the results are going to keep coming.


on whether he’s ready to go again ahead of a busy week…

Of course, we’re always ready and we’re a team of players who are used to this kind of week so we will do the best we can and we will give 100% in the next game

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