
Wenger - We need versatility in signings

Arsène Wenger
Arsène Wenger

Arsene Wenger is looking for versatility when he searches the transfer market for "the right additions" to his Arsenal squad.

The Arsenal manager hopes to bring in players before the deadline passes next Monday and, regardless of whether he strengthens in defence, midfield or attack, Wenger says any new recruits must have certain qualities.

"That is the key word - the right additions," he said. "That is what I work at - the right additions. It is not just about additions.

"We need a player who is versatile, who can play in different positions in midfield, because at the moment we are a little bit stretched"

"If you look at the players, you see Rosicky, Cazorla, Ramsey, Wilshere… so to find better players you have to travel. [For example] we need a player who is versatile, who can play in different positions in midfield, because at the moment we are a little bit stretched.

"Attitude and focus [are also important], the mental aspect in the modern game is vital. I watched the games yesterday [Sunday] and you have to be completely focused for 90 minutes."

Wenger says that the nature of the transfer market has changed a great deal since he came to England in 1996.

"The market has been difficult for two reasons," he explained. "One, I have quality players and, two, the competition for players is absolutely massive in the international market.

"Before, we were privileged - we were a bit more lonely out there. Now, everybody knows everybody and it is more difficult."

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