
Wenger on Wigan win, Walcott and Arteta

Arsène Wenger
Arsène Wenger

Arsene Wenger spoke to the media after the Wigan Athletic game. Below is a transcript of the press conference:

on an important result…
We had a quick start and a strong start for the first 20 minutes. We were really dominating and after that we became a bit conservative and pushed forward less and allowed Wigan back in the game. We were unfortunate to go to 1-1 because I think it was a free kick for us. It was a big blow for our team and you could see that when we came out in the second half - we were not as fluent or as confident as we wanted to be. Wojceich made a great save at 1-1. At that stage we were on the brink of conceding a goal.

on Walcott's goal…
When we scored the second one it was a massive blow for Wigan and they never recovered from that. It then became a comfortable win with goals three and four. It was a tight game.

"When we scored the second one it was a massive blow for Wigan and they never recovered from that. It then became a comfortable win with goals three and four"

on Wigan's relegation…
It is sad that they go down because they are a good team, they play good football and are an intelligent team with good players. If they stay together they will certainly come up again.

on Arsenal's 'big' players stepping up…
Yes, they produced and they scored the goals. Walcott had a great night. From the start he was always a guy who was dangerous. But they [all] stepped up and produced a quality game.

on being courageous…
We became a bit edgy and nervous at the start of the second half. But in these types of games you need to keep your nerve and continue to play like there is nothing at stake basically. It took us some time to recover from the [Wigan] goal.

on playing away in the final game…
I don't know [if that could be an advantage]. In every single game until the end, for a long time now, we are in a position where we absolutely want the three points. Sometimes when you want it absolutely it takes some creativity away from your team. You could see as soon as it because 3-1 we were more dangerous and played with more freedom. it is part of being a top-level player, to deal with that.

on having to win at Newcastle…
It is all open, but it depends on our result. Even third place is not out of sight of we win the game.

"I am confident because we have experience, we play for a long time under massive pressure and we have always found the solutions"

on holding their nerve at Newcastle…
I am confident because we have experience, we play for a long time under massive pressure and we have always found the solutions with the problems that we have faced.

on Arteta's substitution…
He is not alright, he pulled his calf so that could be a problem for Sunday. We don't know, we have to wait for 24 hours. He is a massive doubt for Sunday. He is very important, that is why I don't rule him out at the moment. Maybe we will have to push Wilshere in [if he doesn't make it]. I don't know.

on the team's consistency…
If you look at the number of points we made compared with Manchester United, I think we have the same since January 1. But it took us some time to get going, but I believe mainly [it is down to the fact] we didn't win the big games, especially at home. That is why it took us a long time to find a level of confidence and to balance the team as well because we had many new players.

on stability being important…
At the moment, we prepare for next season as well because the way that you play and finish determines the ability to start well next season. That is a big part, but bigger is to finish well and that is at Newcastle on Sunday.

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