
Wenger on victory, Ramsey and Koscielny

Arsène Wenger

Arsene Wenger spoke to the media after his side beat Fenerbahce in the first leg of their Champions League play-off in Istanbul. Here is a transcript of the press conference:

on the game...
I believe we played in a very, very heated atmosphere against a good team but we had a proactive attitude from the first minute on and that was certainly was very important tonight. We did not come in shaking but came in resolute and determined and with a desire to take the game to them and overall we were in control. This team has shown a lot of mental strength. I told you yesterday that you had forgotten that this team has lost only one game since March under very, very special circumstance. Of course the environment we faced was difficult but the only way to do it is to go out there and play football like you want to play.

on Koscielny's injury…
Laurent Kosielny's [injury] has opened very deeply the skull and we had to take him to hospital. I was not happy with the kick because I feel always that you can ease a bit off. Only the player in the end will know what he did. We are concerned because we had to send him to hospital to see if he has not broken a bone. We are waiting for him to come back now. We are waiting for information to find out if he can fly home with us. We faced a lot of challenges on Saturday and tonight again. That is part of the intensity of the game. Today, of course, there was so much at stake you can understand that. This special challenge, I don’t know really what to think about it. When I saw it, I was angry. But I don’t know if the player can explain to you exactly what he did.

on if he needs to bolster the midfield…
Quality-wise we don’t need anybody but number-wise we are short as I told you yesterday. We lost Oxlade-Chamberlain, Arteta and Diaby – three international midfielders. That is why we are short. We tried to bring one in but we are working on that. You have to understand there is still a long way to go. The transfer market starts for me now and a lot of activity will happen between now and September 2. From August 21 until September 2 you have 12 days, so a lot will happen. It starts now.

on Ramsey…
He was great tonight. I think he is now a stature, a physical presence. All our midfielders were good tonight.

on why the window intensifies at the end of August…
It is like a poker game. People hold their cards as long as possible and see what is happening out there. In the end, they go for decisions. First everybody goes on holiday and nobody wants to do anything. Then in many clubs there are manager changes. They need to know the squad before they make a decision. Many, many things but it is always like that.

on Oxlade-Chamberlain's injury…
It could be a bit longer than what I said. There is no surgery – it will be between six and 12 weeks.

on if the Luis Suarez transfer is dead…
Yes. Absolutely no chance of that.

on the quality of the midfield…
Our technical quality was very important tonight. The fact that we can go away and keep possession of the ball – certainly that was verv, very important. And, as you underline, the quality of our midfield was vital tonight.

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