
Wenger on Fenerbahce, Ramsey, Wilshere

Arsene Wenger addressed the media after Arsenal beat Fenerbahce 2-0 on Tuesday night. Below are some of the highlights of the press conference:

on securing a group stage place…
We completed the job and we had some problems to get into the pace of the game. Overall, especially in the second half, we controlled the game and did a professional job. It was maybe not a very exciting game but we did what we had to do. Overall we scored five goals and didn't concede so we are in the group stage. That's what we wanted.

on injuries…
That's the negative of tonight. We paid a heavy price on the injury front because we lost Podolski. I don't know how bad Ramsey is. I don't know how Wilshere responds to an ankle problem. We have to check that [on Wednesday] morning.

on the fouls at the end of the game…
Yes, the two tackles on Wilshere were disappointing. I cannot change it now. He looks alright. Podolski is definitely out for 21 days and Ramsey we have to check how severe his groin is tomorrow.

on if he considered replacing Wilshere…
I wanted to take him off. Yes, of course. I would have played with 10 men. We were 2-0 up. They had to score five goals in 10 minutes. I think even with 10 minutes, we could have avoided that!

on if Wilshere wanted to play on…
He wanted to go on, yes.

on if game has further heightened the need for new signings…
We have to see how bad the injuries are. I cannot tell you more than we are on the market. Everybody knows. The whole world knows that now. I cannot be more creative than that in the press conferences because all has been said and nothing has been concluded yet so I can understand your questions but I cannot give you more answers at the moment.

on if Wilshere and Ramsey will feature at the weekend…
Jack should be alright for Sunday and I'm hopeful on Aaron as well. I don't know how bad it is. I took Ramsey off with three or four minutes to go but I don't know how bad it is. I haven't seen him yet.

on if he made the decision to take Ramsey off…
Yes. He wanted to stay on.

on Juan Mata's father reportedly being in the stadium…
I have heard like you, because I watched the game last night, that Juan Mata could be on the market. I don't know. There's anyway a reluctance in England to sell to each other.

on Ramsey's performance…
He gets to the end of things now. I liked especially his second goal. It's a good finish and a year ago he would not have taken that chance the way he took it here. He's improving from week to week. That's very positive for us because a year ago, many people were questioning Aaron Ramsey.

on reaching group stage of Champions League for 16th consecutive season…
I believe that at the top level, the most difficult is to be consistent. Of course it's an achievement because if you look at the clubs in Europe who have done it, there are only three clubs that have done it in the whole of Europe. I hear a lot that it's not enough and I agree with that. But still it shows that we have been remarkably consistent. Our ambition is much higher than that and I take that on board from everybody.

on if Podolski's hamstring could have been torn…
I think Podolski will be out for about three weeks.

on if he's accepted that he will not sign Wayne Rooney…
Look we cannot speak about players who are under contract with other clubs. When players are under contract at another club, they have to respect the contract. If you want to buy the player, you have to speak to the club first. I think we have all to accept that.

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