
Ozil - The Premier League is so much fun

Mesut Ozil says the Premier League is "so much fun" to play in.

The 25-year-old playmaker has made an instant impact in English football since joining the Club in September, with five goals and nine assists to his name.

Ozil says he enjoys the extra space he gets here compared to the Spanish and German leagues but is also mindful of his other responsibilities.

"The smaller teams want to prove themselves against everyone and are not afraid to go on the attack"

Mesut Ozil

"For an offensive player it’s pleasant because you get lots of room," he told Arsenal Player. "But you can’t forget to do your defensive work because [the match] goes up and down.

"Nowadays, it’s not only the defence that defend and the attackers that attack and that’s why it’s much more tiring to play in this league. In general, as a footballer in the Premier League you have lots of fun because the league is so interesting and it is so much fun to play here.

“[But] it’s more tiring because the game goes backwards and forwards. In the Bundesliga or La Liga, you sometimes see the smaller teams play deeper or more defensively with men behind the ball. It’s the opposite here - the smaller teams want to prove themselves against everyone and are not afraid to go on the attack."

Ozil admits he has been taken aback by the passion of the supporters in England, whether they are Arsenal fans or not.

"This positive attitude [is surprising], also from opposition fans," he said. "They are never really unfair, they are always respectful even if it’s a derby. You see that they have fun watching - they live for football and give the team unbelievable support.

"There is always a really nice atmosphere. I think the best feeling I had was when I made my Emirates Stadium debut. The atmosphere was unbelievable and I had goosebumps."

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