
Extra: Wenger on Ox and Bayern

Arsène Wenger faced the media ahead of the FA Cup tie against Coventry City. Here are some extra quotes from the boss. For the headlines, visit our Digest page:

on whether Oxlade-Chamberlain could start…
I don't know if he is completely ready or not, I will have to decide that tomorrow [Friday], he is very close.
on his development...
He is in advance of where every player of his age is. He is in the national team, a regular player here and he has just been handicapped by a four-month injury but overall he is in a very strong position.
on playing centrally...
Central, yes. It is not some way off. He can play central, it is just always [important] to find the right balance because around him you need always a more defensive player, but I like his qualities in the middle because he can penetrate and has good power to get out of pressure.

That is a very important quality in the middle of the park now and he can pass people, can accelerate the game as well, has a good final ball as well and a good long pass.

on the Deloitte List...
I have just heard a bit about it, but I have not seen it. It looks a bit like the other countries make progress, but in England you have an increase in the television [money] amount and commercially maybe we are a bit less strong than Bayern.

Last season, Bayern had an exceptional season. They are the only team in Germany who is occupying the market and Germany is a very strong economical power and that explains why their commercial income is stronger.
Of course, that [Arsenal moving up the list] is the target. At the moment we are moving up, our commercial revenue increases, but the target is to compete with Bayern Munich, Manchester United, Real Madrid at that level.

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