
Wenger on Ozil and Alexis futures

Once again, the subject of new contracts was high on the agenda at Arsene Wenger’s pre-match press conference.

Questions were asked about Mesut Ozil, Alexis and the manager himself. Here’s how the boss responded:

on whether Mesut has put pressure on Wenger to decide on his own future…
No, not necessarily. I think he has been a bit misinterpreted. He would like to know what happens on the managerial front of course, but I don’t think that’s the main part of his decision. I think it’s part of it but it’s not the only thing. There are many other ingredients in every negotiation. Hopefully we will find a conclusion with him very quickly.

on whether they’ve spoken about it…
We always speak. I speak more with his agent on that front, about contracts, than I do with him.

on whether he’s confident it will be resolved…
We do not master that situation alone. Let’s not forget that all these players have 18 months to go. That’s a very long time in football.

on whether he’s relaxed about the situation…
Very relaxed.

on whether he’s any closer to making a decision on his own future…
No, I have nothing to add to that at the moment. I am completely focused on us getting back to the top and to work very hard in every single game and prepare well.

on whether Ozil and Alexis will have to lower their wage demands…
I do not want to go too much into detail on that, because that can quickly be interpreted in the wrong way. We have to keep that as quiet as possible and try to find an agreement and, at the end of the day, as well, respect our line of conduct that we always have.


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