
Wenger on contracts, Ozil and Kostafi

Arsene Wenger was asked about his future and the futures of two of his star names when he faced the media on Friday morning.

Read on for some of the key quotes from the manager’s press conference.

on Alexis and Ozil contract extensions…
We are always in touch and that’s our desire. Mesut Ozil is 28 years old, in the prime of his career and of course we want him to contribute to the success of this club in the future.

on whether Wenger’s future will affect their decision…
No, I don’t say that. They are happy at the club and I want them to commit to the club because they believe they are in the right place.

on Ozil and working on him scoring…
He works quite well on finishing in training. I believe that every player gets in a habit of having a vision of his game, and sometimes he doesn’t get out of the boundaries he has fixed himself. He experienced his game as a provider and slowly I think he’s getting the taste to think ‘oh, maybe I can finish as well’. That’s what you want him to do, to add that to his game. There’s no reason that he should not finish and score. Hopefully the fact that he scored again on Wednesday night will give him that taste and desire.


on Middlesbrough’s start to the season…
If you look at the quality of their games away from home, they have done quite well. At home they were a bit unlucky but away from home they have done extremely well, they play, they are not afraid to take responsibilities in their game and they are a team who is good going forward and looks like they can score goals. We will need a good defensive performance.

on the defensive partnership between Koscielny and Mustafi…
Until now it has worked well, quicker than people maybe expected it to do. But we have some good tests coming up and we have to show that on a longer period that it can work.


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