
Wenger on Allardyce and England

Arsene Wenger was asked for his take on a dramatic week in English football which saw national team manager Sam Allardyce leave his post.

Here’s what the boss said:

on what’s happened over the last 24 hours with England…
I was focused on the game tonight so I didn’t see too much about it. It was a huge surprise what happened to Sam Allardyce. Who could have predicted that 48 hours ago? Nobody. The game’s always full of surprises.

on whether he’s flattered by being linked with the England job…
My priority has always been this club and, until the end of this season, I’m here. I’m completely focused on that.

on whether he knows the words to God Save the Queen…
Yes. I know them.

on his plans at the end of the season…
That’s not decided. I’ve said many times that my priority has always been Arsenal Football Club and I have to assess how well I do until the end of the season.


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