
Wenger discusses the transfer market

Arsene Wenger at the MLS All-Star game

Arsene Wenger discussed transfers at his press conference at the Stubhub Center on Saturday.

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Here’s a transcript of what he said:

on transfer approach…
I buy players that I feel can strengthen our team. Today you have to be very strong inside the club when you are responsible, not just to buy [for the sake of buying]. There’s always a wave of opinions. I must say people are better informed today - they know all the players. They tell you always that you should buy but when you ask them who to buy, they become much shorter. If you look at the market in Europe, there’s a lot of money available but not many players who really strengthen the teams. If you look at the teams that spend the most money in Europe, they’re not necessarily the teams that won the championships. The global investment of the clubs around us didn’t stop Leicester winning the championship.

on transfers…
We are still on the market for players. [Be it] at the front or at the back - we are on the market. Unfortunately we are not alone.

on Mahrez and Lacazette…
The best way to conclude transfers is not to talk about them, which is very difficult in the press conference! We are on the market but I don’t want to talk specifically about any player because that makes it more difficult for me - and it’s difficult enough.

on if he expects to sign a defender before the season starts…
Yes I do.

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