
Wenger on future and squad strengthening

Read extra quotes from Arsene Wenger's press conference as he looks ahead to the Aston Villa match:

on reports linking Wenger with a two-year extension…
That’s completely wrong. I don’t know where this information comes from. You can treat that as just an invention and no more. It’s absolutely false. I would like the press to check this information with myself or the club before they give it out. We both would have denied it.

on whether he would like a two-year extension…
I think about the next game. At my stage you want to do well. I’m committed with integrity and commitment, full commitment to the club as long as I’m under contract, but at the moment that’s all.

on whether he has decided his future…
No. What I focus on is respecting my contract and then envisage what I will do afterwards. I can understand people are interested in that, but that is not the most important thing. I extended my contract in a period that was vital for the club and after that i will see where I am personally and where the club stands at the end of my contract.

on whether next season will be decisive for whether he stays…
Of course, you sum it up very well.

on what rule he would change in football if he could change one…
It would be to introduce video for offsides.

on if he thinks that will happen…
I think that it should happen. It should happen [in a similar way] to goalline technology. It would open up the game and would incite the linesman to be a bit more permissive. I think as well it would make many decisions easier.

on Arsenal Ladies in the FA Cup final…
I am a big supporter of our Ladies team and I have supported them since I arrived here. I wish them extremely well and I hope they come back with the cup.


on bringing in more players…
I must say it was very difficult for us because we expected Welbeck back [last] April, it was very difficult to envisage that he would be out for such a long time. Cazorla was out for five months, Coquelin for four months. Could we have done something? We have done something, we have brought in Elneny who has done extremely well. We got Iwobi out of the youth academy and he has done extremely well when he came in. As well you must say that you don’t find the players in January extremely available who strengthen the squad.

on whether Welbeck’s injury changes his summer plans…
It is a good question, we have to think about that. When a player is out for nine months, you have to consider that it is a season and that makes you short on the striker front.

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