
Graphic arts twist Arsenal legends

Thierry Henry graphic art

 Arsenal legends David Seaman, Thierry Henry, Tony Adams, Bob Wilson, Frank McLintock and Charlie George are amongst the sporting legends whose greatest British sporting moments have been captured by leading graphic artists as part of the Win, Lose, Draw exhibition, in aid of Bob Wilson’s charity and Arsenal Foundation partner, Willow.

The eye-catching collection will be on public show from  November 23-25 at the Hay Hill Gallery, London W1 with a private view on November 23 from 6 to 8pm. The artworks, signed by the sportsmen, will be available to buy at the gallery and on eBay from November 24, and available to preview now at

Win, Lose, Draw will raise funds for Willow – the only national charity working with seriously ill young adults aged 16 to 40 to fulfil uplifting and unforgettable Special Days.

Alongside the Arsenal heroes, other iconic sports icons featured include Martin Johnson, Ian Botham, Sir Bradley Wiggins, Sir Steve Redgrave, Thierry Henry, AP McCoy, Gareth Edwards, Sir Geoff Hurst, Tony Adams, Bob Wilson, Frank McLintock, Charlie George, Ossie Ardiles, Ricky Villa, Michael Owen and David Seaman.

The moments on show include David Seaman’s save against Sheffield United in the 2003 FA Cup Final, Thierry’s unbeaten run of 49 games, the 1971 double winning season and Tony Adam’s iconic goal in the 1998 match against Everton. The collection features graphic interpretations of their involvement in iconic sporting moments.

Each moment has been depicted in a unique style by graphic artists Daren Newman, Charles Williams, Will Scobie, Ben Tallon, Dan Leydon, Emily Forgot, Von, Kingsley Nebechi and Thomas Burden, leading to the creation of this stunning unique collection to raise funds for Willow. With limited edition prints available from £200 and artists’ proofs from £2,500, the eye-catching pieces will look stunning in any office or home and perfect for any sporting fan this Christmas.

Funds raised will enable Willow to provide its own special moments, Special Days, for those living with life threatening conditions at a time when they need it most. To date Willow has provided more than 11,500 Special Days for people living with cancer, cystic fibrosis, motor neurone disease, muscular dystrophy, organ failure and Huntington’s, amongst other conditions. Willow was founded by former Arsenal goalkeeper and TV presenter Bob Wilson and his wife Megs, as a lasting memorial to their daughter Anna, who died of cancer aged 31.

For more information about Willow visit or telephone 01707 259777.

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