
Extra: Wenger on Wilshere and AP McCoy

Read some extra quotes from Arsène Wenger's pre-match press conference. For more headlines, visit our Digest page.

on Wilshere’s impact when he returns…
Everybody can have a big impact until the end of the season, Jack included.

on whether he will slot straight back in…
That depends on the game, on fitness, on availability and the need of the team. Everybody is rated exactly the same and you respect everybody and want everybody to just contribute to the team.

on Jack's frustration at being injured…
Every player who doesn’t play is very frustrated when he can not perform. Diaby has been out for a year, Walcott has been out for a year. That’s difficult cases and Wilshere has played games this year. He has played many games. He was out, but not for as long as Walcott or Diaby.

on AP McCoy at the Grand National...
I wish him good luck for his last race and he will have enough time afterwards to support us. I want him to finish well and hopefully he will have no accidents, touch wood, because it’s quite a dangerous race.

on McCoy's longevity…
Any longevity is a sign of top quality.

on the Manchester derby...
Not really [I don't have a preference who wins], because a draw is not bad as well for us.

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