
Wenger on the win, Poldi and the last 16

Arsene Wenger
Arsene Wenger

Arsène Wenger spoke to the media after Arsenal's 4-1 win over Galatasaray at the Turk Telekom Arena on Tuesday. You can read a full transcript of his press conference below:

on the win…
We gave a strong response. We were dangerous every time we won the ball back, had good penetration, goals and until half-time we were very strong. In the second half we suffered a bit more - some players had not enough competitive games and I had to take two players off. We were a bit more lightweight in midfield. It was, overall, a strong performance.

on the half-time substitutions…
Ramsey had a hamstring, but should be alright for Saturday. Flamini had a calf, but should be ok.

on the difference between the first and second ties…
They played a different system in the first game, with three centre backs in the first half, tonight it was more a 4-2-3-1. It was different. what hurt Galatasaray in both games was our pace and power. The dominant player was Sneijder.

on whether he thought Arsenal could win the group…
Not at the start of the game, but at half-time yes. But after we had to take Ramsey and Flamini off, it was too much for us to hope we could score six. We were closer to conceding one or two more in the second half. We had still our opportunities. No regrets, the players I left at home, I had no choice.

on Ramsey's second goal...
I felt at the time was not the right decision, but he proved me wrong!

on rumours about Joel Campbell...
Campbell will stay with us.

on Podolski…
It is a competition for places that is difficult. I had Welbeck, Sanchez and Giroud at home and you can only play a certain number of strikers. He came back later from the World Cup but he is now coming back to a very strong level.

on advancing to the last 16…
Let’s wait for the draw, prepare well. We can focus now on the Premier League. It was my 180th game in the Champions League tonight, we won away from home and are now 15 consecutive years in the last 16. I believe that is an achievement. Let’s focus on the Premier League and until the end of February, and the FA Cup as well. Hull will not be an easy game. In February, we will see where we stand.

on the team’s ups and downs…
We have played a few games where we have not been efficient enough. We have had many, many, many defensive injuries and we have paid the price for that. Overall the dynamic in the team is very good, even in the Premier League.

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