
Extra: Wenger on Ramsey and Fabregas

Arsene Wenger faced the media ahead of the Everton game. Here are some extra quotes from his press conference. For more headlines, visit our Digest page.

on Fabregas' Chelsea debut…
I watched the game, yes. It was [strange seeing him in a Chelsea shirt]. You have to accept that professional players move from club to club and it was difficult for me to see him leave us. After he has left us for one club, you accept the idea that he can move to some different clubs. Of course it was a bit strange but he had a good game. I have no regret about [Arsenal not re-signing Fabregas] at all. My regret is that he left us.

on Ramsey being able to replicate Cesc's success…
Yes. That's good in life - somebody moves out and somebody else takes over. Aaron Ramsey has a different style to Fabregas. He has developed into a player with huge potential and I think there is more coming out of Aaron Ramsey in the future. He's younger than Cesc and the potential is there to get more out of Aaron.

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