
Wenger on the win, Giroud and the FA Cup

Arsene Wenger spoke to the media after Saturday's FA Cup quarter-final victory against Everton. This is what he had to say:

on the result…
We had a quality performance from the first to the last minute against a good side. The first half was all us and we were unlucky to be 1-1 at half time. The second half, Everton started well and had a good moment in the game where they had the chance with Barkley. We scored the second goal and then controlled the game well. We always looked like we could score more.

on Giroud’s introduction…
It was important because he was on the end of things and it shows that when a player comes off the bench of that quality, it can make a difference.

"We can be inspired by our focus on the day, by our desire and go to Bayern with the same spirit"

Arsene Wenger

on why he didn’t start…
He was on the bench for what reason? He has played many games. For the rest, he has come on and showed he can score goals when he comes on. Yes [he needed a rest]. Ozil was on as well on the bench. He played at Stoke, Ozil was on the bench.

on a confidence boost ahead of Bayern…
It was important for us to win, to put us in a good mind on the psychological front. We can be inspired by our focus on the day, by our desire and go to Bayern with the same spirit. The statistics go against us when we go to Bayern, but let’s make sure that the performance goes for us. Then we have a chance.

on being close to a trophy…
We are in the semi final, mathematically I cannot deny that what you say is true but practically it is a bit more difficult than that. let’s see who we have to play in the semi final and do it again.

on taking the FA Cup seriously…
Look we took this competition seriously. Since the start of this competition it's true that we had a good draw in the fact that we played all the games at home. It's the first time since I played in the FA Cup [that this has happened]. But, on the other hand, we played  difficult opponents, Tottenham, Liverpool, Everton and that shows you that we have taken this competition seriously.

on Ozil's goal being important…
Of course it's important for him he took his chance because sometimes you want him to take the chance because he always looks for the good pass. I hope that will encourage him. What I liked with him is that physically he looked regenerated, having more power in his runs. As well I liked that he did a lot of dirty work for a player like him, that means he tracked back in the first half - especially on the counter attack he came back with long runs. When he behaves like that of course you have a better chance to win the game.

on the penalty incident…
I think the penalty was a penalty. I was honestly very worried and very relieved after the second one because I didn't understand the decision. You have to give credit to Arteta because if he doesn't take the second one well the keeper has gone the right way, and he would not have scored.

on having Pat Rice back…
It's not the first time he is back. We are of course very happy. I went to see him before the game and he looks like he's recovering very well.

on Koscielny's fitness…
I think he should practice again tomorrow and he has a chance to play on Tuesday.

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