
Extra: Wenger on Ox and Uefa rule change

Arsène Wenger faced the media ahead of the Premier League game against Stoke City. Here are some extra quotes from the boss. For the headlines, visit our Digest page:

on England not training at Colney…
I don't know [why]. Usually they come here and they are always welcome.

on whether Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain could be in the squad…
Yes, why not? There's no obvious reason [why not] because Chamberlain has done extremely well with us. He's been decisive in many games and has shown that he's on the way up. I couldn't imagine him not being in the squad.

on Uefa changing the rules after Szczesny red card…
I agree with that. It's a shame that we have to be a part of the experience to realise that it is not right.

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