Arsenal in the Community

Donate to Islington Foodbank

On Sunday 27 October, ahead of our 4.30pm kick-off against Crystal Palace, we will once again be supporting Islington Foodbank with a food collection on the podium at Emirates Stadium.

Earlier this year, Islington Foodbank, in support with Arsenal in the Community, carried out its first ever foodbank collection on the podium. We were overwhelmed by the generous donations of our fans and raised over 380kg of food which was distributed to local families in need. Foodbank volunteer Kathy Weston said: "We didn't quite know what to expect at our first food drive with Arsenal in April, but we were overwhelmed by the generosity and support we got on the day. We're really looking forward to coming back again”

Islington Foodbank was established in 2011 and operates from Highbury Roundhouse on Ronalds Road. It is open on Mondays and Saturdays from 1pm – 4pm. Run entirely by volunteers, the foodbank aims to provide people who find themselves in a crisis with three days’ worth of emergency food.

Demand has grown steadily since 2011 as families struggle to make ends meet and in 2018 they distributed 48715.78 Kg of food to nearly 6000 people, of whom 1382 were children.

Support the cause and donate!

As we head into the winter months, Islington Foodbank are looking to replenish their stock levels. If you are attending the game, you can drop-off items at the designated points at the Arsenal Museum, or the Thierry Henry statue, ahead of the 4pm kick-off. All you need to do is bring any of the below items as you make your way in.

Chocolate bars

Instant coffee

Pasta sauce

Tinned rice pudding

Tinned fruit

Tinned fish

Shower gel





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