
Arteta on... Torreira, Mustafi and transfers

We are into the end game of the January transfer window now - so could there be more movement before it closes?

Mikel Arteta was asked about a wide range of our players and whether they could depart before the deadline on February 1.


This is what our manager told the media:


on talk of Torreira going to Monaco on loan…

We have been talking to Lucas, Edu has been very close to the situation. He hasn’t been playing as many minutes as he would like, as we would like, but to be fair the team is doing so well in Spain and it is understandable they don’t change the team so much. We just want to be right behind Lucas, protect him, help him make the right decisions for the future, so let’s see what happens. But we are monitoring the situation very closely.


on whether his loan could be cut short at Atletico Madrid…

I don’t know. At the moment he’s going to stay at Atletico, that’s my belief and I don’t know if that is going to change in the next two or three days.


on whether other players could leave…

When there are still days left in the market there is still the possibility for things to happen. We are in close contact with all the things that can happen and we will see.


on Reiss Nelson not making the last two squads and if he expects that he'll leave on loan before the deadline...

That's a conversation that we are having with the players that are not having a lot of time. Obviously we want to keep their development going and we will make decision in the next three days with some of them on what the best thing is to do. We try to be clear and transparent with what the plans are and their roles in the team and after that, we decide on the best thing for the players and the club.


on whether Ainsley is concerned that he needs to be playing more football to keep his England place...

Yes, it is a concern when there is international football involved as well and the chance to reach that opportunity. I understand that Ainsley wants more minutes and what he needs to do is fight, train and challenge his teammates and show us that he can be one of our starters.


on if Mustafi will stay until the summer or if a mutual termination may be agreed...

Again, he's another situation at the moment that is opening and we are having conversations internally with the player and agent. We will see what the right solution is for this one as well.


on whether he expects him to stay...

We are monitoring the situation, I cannot say much more than that. We have conversations ongoing and we'll see what's the best [decision] at the end of the transfer window.

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