Celebrating Earth Day
Here’s what we have been doing off the pitch to mark Earth Day, including a new way to provide information on the emissions related to our menus across Emirates Stadium

Sky Sports highlight our food effort
Sky Sports were on hand at our last home game against Liverpool to report on the club’s efforts for Green Football Weekend, taking in both our food bank collection and menu

Christmas dinner is food for thought
Can you support our efforts to make the planet greener by having an environmentally friendly Christmas dinner?

Diamond Club’s sustainability success
How our premium hospitality area is championing sustainability

Food donated after postponed games
How the club and our caterers have redistributed excess food at Emirates Stadium to ensure that nearly 1,000 meals' worth that was otherwise destined for the bin and composting was given to those who are struggling to feed their families

What are you giving up for Lent?
Can you help the environment – even at Emirates Stadium – during Lent? Here are some simple steps you can take to reduce your environmental footprint on a matchday and beyond

Jen Beattie on her vegan journey
Arsenal and Scotland defender Jennifer Beattie is a passionate advocate of sustainability, and her interest in the environment has grown since she decided to follow a vegan diet that she says helps her on the pitch and the planet off it