
What are you giving up for Lent?

Sustainability Lent

Lent is the time when many people traditionally give up the things they enjoy most. Chocolate, alcohol, sweets and even Facebook are go-to items that people try to survive without for 40 days. But maybe this year there can be a new challenge? 

For 2023, we could try to give up something that has an adverse environmental effect as well. For example…


Although many people love meat, numerous studies have found the meat industry is detrimental to the environment. We now have plenty of different food options to help you avoid meat while you’re at Emirates Stadium.

Short car journeys

Very short journeys are too brief to warm up the car’s engine, which will be running inefficiently, burning more fuel and creating more pollution. At these low running temperatures your catalytic converter won’t have kicked in either, which again means more pollution. At Arsenal, we’re big fans of cycling and the numerous benefits that it brings. Mental and physical health have been shown to benefit from exercise, so take your bike to the matchday bike park on Drayton Park and enjoy the spring air.

Bottled water

Single-use plastics are everywhere and we’re now seeing them turn up in the most remote parts of the planet. Around 7.7 billion plastic bottles are bought in the UK every year. We have water dispensers at Emirates Stadium to help you.


Showering can save up to 50 per cent of the water you’d use filling a bath. It also uses less power to heat the water. On top of that, turning the tap off while brushing your teeth saves around 12 litres of water every time.

Make a small change and hopefully you’ll succeed. Tell us what you’ve done via email at – we’ll donate 25 trees in our Arsenal Forest to the best ones.

Sustainability Lent

We’re proud of our water dispensers (above) and the vegan pasties we serve at Emirates Stadium – and you can help us help the environment

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