The Arsenal Foundation

Camden School For Girls

The Arsenal Foundation has helped Camden School For Girls buy portable floodlights that allow the girls to play sport all year round. Two of the pupils tell us how it has helped...

Nadumba Lomodong, 15 

I have been on the volleyball team for three years, and our results have been getting better – we came fifth in the London Youth games this summer, which is the highest the borough of Camden has ever achieved. The year before we came 19th. This improvement is due to the floodlights.

We’ve had the floodlights for a year and use them for training. They’re portable so they have to be wheeled out, but normally the teachers or older girls do that!

It means we can play outside, where there is more space. our training session is from 4.30–6pm and during the winter it’s already dark before we start. our gym isn’t really a gym – it’s two badminton courts and has a low ceiling, which means it’s difficult to play inside.

Having the floodlights allows us to play full 6v6 matches, and being able to play all year round has helped us. This year we’re hoping to get to the London Youth games play-offs. our coach Nikki has said she’ll buy us doughnuts if we do!

I’ve got so much out of the sport. I’ve made friends and what Nikki has taught us has helped me in other aspects of life such as being on time, never cheating and pushing myself.

Hannah Morris, 16

I’ve been in the netball team for five years and every year we’ve done well in the borough league, the Camden Shield. Last year our year 7s came second (out of 15 teams) and years 8 and 9 came first. I also played in the London Youth games and we did better than we ever have – and it’s all thanks to the extra training we were able to do.

Many students, including me, have gone on to play for Islington Netball Club, a team I was captain of. We’ve now combined with some older players and entered the adult league. Having the floodlights means we can train to a much higher standard. Last year we had time to do drills and learn new techniques, but it grew dark before we could play a match and put our new skills into practice. Since then we’ve improved a lot, individually and as a team.

I love it when after long hours of training the team comes together and works as one. It looks beautiful when we get a formation right in a match!

In a time of cuts and reduced PE, we need to promote involvement in sport through after-school clubs, and people wouldn’t come if it was pointless because it ended early. It’s great that arsenal help so many local projects – the positives for the community are countless.