Press conference

Wenger on Ozil, Wilshere and contracts

Jack Wilshere got the biggest cheer of all as our players left the pitch after a thrilling game against Liverpool.

Needless to say, Jack was mentioned in the press conference as reporters asked Arsene Wenger about the England man’s future - and Mesut Ozil’s.

on Wilshere’s performance…

I think he is one of the players who played with quality in the first half, determination. Jack is never frozen, but what he did in the second half was like the rest of the team, I liked what he did. He’s better now than he was in the last two or three years, I think he is positive overall and is in a very good shape at the moment.

on Wilshere’s contract…

We will see, but as well I think we had four players tonight who have been educated at our academy, with Bellerin, Iwobi and Wilshere they are certainly the only ones at the top, but basically we want to keep these players.

on whether Ozil had a good game and the progress of his contract talks…

Ozil had a good game tonight and the second part of your sentence I cannot answer.