
Tavares on the win, his PL debut and more

Nuno Tavares had a full Premier League debut to remember on Friday night as we beat Aston Villa 3-1 at Emirates Stadium.

We spoke to the Portuguese defender afterwards, and this is what he told Arsenal Media:

on his full PL debut...

Of course my debut in the squad for the Premier League was a good game and we got the three points.

on playing in front of the Arsenal fans...

It was an amazing environment, always good and I enjoyed it. It was good for me.

on adapting to Premier League football...

I think it is more intense, more competitive, it is good. All players want to play in the Premier League.

on the team performance...

Yes it was a good game for all our team-mates, we did well. For the first half, two goals, it was amazing and in the second half we scored one goal to close the result.

on nearly scoring himself...

Yeah, it was almost my first goal in the Premier League but I will keep trying! Of course I am very happy and proud to be here.