
Rosicky - I have never felt hungrier

Tomas Rosicky
Tomas Rosicky

Tomas Rosicky is unequivocal when discussing his ambitions for this season - he wants the Premier League title.

The 32-year-old midfielder joined Arsenal in 2006, having already won three Czech league championships and the Bundesliga.

However, he is hungrier than ever going into the new campaign, and the Premier League is his number one priority.

"It's very simple, my target is a trophy - I want to win the league," Rosicky said. "This is my eighth year here and that's what I came here for, so now it's time to achieve it.

"Obviously it's a very tough competition, there's no doubt about that, and there are some great teams in the English league. But I don't really care what everybody else says, I will do my best to achieve it.

"I will work hard every day in training and in the games to fulfil my dream. I have never felt hungrier in my career for success as I do now."