
Extra: Wenger on Carlisle and transfers

Read some extra quotes from Arsène Wenger's pre-match press conference. For more headlines, visit our Digest page.

on Clarke Carlisle…
I would like to wish him well. It was an accident and hopefully he will recover very quickly. Of course we wish him very well.

on whether he will sign Tyrone Mings in January…
No. The intensity of the link is not down to us.

on Gary Neville saying Arsenal are a long way from the title…
You have to take that with a distance, because it’s judgment on one game. I believe it’s a bit exaggerated.

on Arsenal aspirations this season…
To give absolutely everything in every single game until the end of the season. I believe that with the injuries coming back we will have a much stronger squad than we have had for the past two months. I believe 2015 can be very exciting [if] we manage to get our injured players back and have a good run.

on making the top four…
That is always the minimum required here. We have the Champions league, we have the FA Cup, we have the Premier League where we want to come back to a much stronger position and I think we will.

on Theo Walcott being missed…
He has been missed because first of all he is a top-quality player, a team player and when he got injured he was in fantastic form. So of course he is a big miss for us.

on Walcott getting back…
I think [we will see the best of him]. Theo was born in 1989, 25 years old, and it is the best age for a player of his quality. He is as quick as he was, believe me. I see it in training.