Club announcement

Coaching and backroom team

Head coach Mikel Arteta's coaching team has seen some changes prior to the start of the season.

As announced previously, Freddie Ljungberg has decided to leave the club to pursue new opportunities and goalkeeping coach Sal Bibbo is also moving on after five years working with the first team keepers. We send our best wishes to Freddie and Sal as well as physio Chris Morgan, who has joined Liverpool. Chris is being replaced by Jordan Reece who was a regular figure on the touchline during the run-in last season. Congratulations Jordan. 

Mikel has brought in some additional coaches to support assistant coaches Steve Round and Albert Stuivenberg. Carlos Cuesta, who was previously at Juventus, Andreas Georgson comes in from Brentford and Miguel Molina who was previously with Atletico Madrid has also joined the team.

Everyone at Arsenal welcomes Carlos, Andreas and Miguel.