
Sokratis - We made it too easy for them

Sokratis Papastathopoulos
Sokratis Papastathopoulos

Sokratis was understandably disappointed after we were beaten by a late Marcos Alonso strike at Stamford Bridge on Saturday.

The Greek centre back spoke to the media after the game and discussed the 3-2 defeat, our first-half defending and more.

This is what he said:

on the loss…

It was a difficult game. We didn’t start very well. For the first 20 minutes we were not playing as well as we wanted to be. After that we started to play. We missed a lot of chances but we managed to score two goals. In the end it difficult to find the goal to win the game. We didn’t score, they managed to and we lost.


on whether defensive mistakes cost us…

We didn’t defend very well in the first half, all the team. It was too easy for them to come into our half and score. After that, we started to play better, we pressed better, won a lot of balls in midfield and had chances. We had to score more because in the end we lost the game. We have to improve in the next game.


on it taking time to gel…

Of course. It’s difficult because we’ve changed a lot of things. We need to improve our work, how we defend, how we attack. We have to score from the chances we create and we have to look at taking those points into our next game.

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