
Wenger - Ozil is a huge player for us

As our record signing and as a World Cup winner, Mesut Ozil has always attracted plenty of attention since his arrival in England in September 2013.

The Germany international made his 100th Premier League appearance in the Boxing Day victory against West Brom, providing the cross for Olivier Giroud's 87th-minute winner.

It was Ozil's 36th assist in the top-flight, with only Eric Cantona having provided more in his first 100 games in England - and Wenger has been pleased with his contribution.

"He is of course a huge player," the manager said. "I always defended him here in press conferences, because I believe that he has improved his commitment. Physically he works much harder than people think he does.

"He works hard, but I think he had one or two games this season especially where he was frustrated. The one that comes to my mind is the Man City game where he was criticised after, but overall if you look at the whole contribution in the whole season, for me he has been absolutely fantastic.


"I believe this season he has scored more goals and personally I believe as well he creates more chances for himself than ever before because he runs more behind.

"I still think there is a gap between his potential finishing and the way he finishes. In training he finishes much better than in the games and I am convinced that his percentage of finishing will go up in the coming months and he can have a huge contribution to the team, not only through his passing but as well through his finishing."


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