
'We had a convincing performance'

Arsène Wenger was in a good mood after his team beat Hull City 4-1 in the Premier League on Saturday afternoon.

Read on for the manager's assessment of the game - and don't forget to read the rest of our coverage here:

on the performance...
I think overall we had a convincing performance in two different situations. 11 against 11, I thought we played well. When you play 11 against 10, it is, of course, not the same mentally and psychologically. But we remained serious and in the end we won the game in a convincing way, I would say overall. But we had a very difficult game against Southampton last week, then went away to Paris Saint-Germain. It's an away game, so you are happy with the three points.

on Alexis taking the penalty instead of Cazorla…
I have to check that but I think Santi was ahead on the list. We have three players and [maybe] he didn't want to take it? Did he tell Alexis to take it? I don't know.

Alex Iwobi celebrates

Alex Iwobi celebrates

on his reaction to Alexis taking the penalty…
Look, ideally you want, as a manager, all the things to happen in the order you decided. We don't live in an ideal world in our game and, on the other hand, everybody has missed penalties, Santi as well. We have to accept that, that you can miss a penalty. The keeper made a good save, he didn't mishit it. That's part of the game.

on the start to the season…
Look, we had a big shock in our first game and I said straight away after that first game that we face a mental test to see how well we respond. We went away to Leicester and to Watford straightaway. So overall I think we responded well. We were not ready physically at the start of the season, we are now much better so let's hope we can continue our improvement.


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