
Wenger on transfers and Jenkinson

Read extra quotes from Arsene Wenger's press conference before the FA Cup fourth-round clash against Burnley:

on the latest on Debuchy…
Yes, Mathieu might go somewhere but I don’t know where at the moment and that decision haas to be made very quickly now because there is only 48 hours to go. He has much interest in him, but I have a number of people who can play right back so I opened the door for him because at the moment he doesn’t play and has Bellerin in front.

on any other business…
No, no at the moment as I told you I have 23 players in training, plus two is 25 and unless people go out we are not on the verge of bringing anyone in.

on Javier Hernandez…
No, Welbeck is coming back now and Alexis is back, we have Giroud and Walcott. You would not understand again why I don’t play Giroud and play Hernandez so we the quality and the number of players that we need.

on Jenkinson’s fitness…
He has a cruciate, so that rules him out for six months.


on if big clubs should have guaranteed positions in CL…
I think you can guess my answer. This sport is based on merit and is one of the few areas in social life where it’s down to merit. The ideal merit would give exactly the same amount of money to every single club in the Premier League [and you would say] let’s go for it, which is not the case. You cannot guarantee anything to any club, no matter how big the support is.

on his own contract…
You know that 18 months for a manager today is an eternity.

on whether he wants to stay at Arsenal beyond that…
Not at the moment. I am completely focused on doing well and I want to give absolutely everything until the end of the season. Then I want to go through the next season.

on whether he sees himself managing anywhere else…
Not really, no. I completely commit to this club and I don’t imagine managing anywhere else at the moment. Will I stop working once I stop managing on a competitive level? No. I will always try to work if I have hands and try to be useful at some stage and some level. Maybe it will be a different level but I will always work.

on whether it will be as a director of football…
I don’t know. I could be managing kids, developing young players, it can be all kinds of roles but I will not run for FIFA, you can count on that.

on Greg Dyke stepping down…
He has a strong personality and I think he’s honest, strong and he wants to do things the way he sees it. I spoke a few times with him and I was quite surprised to find out he was stepping down. I knew that, knowing his personality, that it could happen at some stage when he could not push his ideas through.

on whether he wants his job…
I don’t want that job, I am not qualified for it.

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