Press conference

'He is huge, quick... you do not often find that'

Matt Macey kept a clean sheet as he made his European debut on Thursday night, and the boss was full of praise for the six foot seven goalkeeper.

Arsène Wenger faced the media after the game, and had this to say about the 23 year old.

on Matt Macey’s performance…

I think he took his chance very well, he is huge, he is quick and you do not often find combinations of that size and that speed, he is very agile as well for a guy who is tall like that. He came late to us considering normally goalkeepers come at the age of 16, he came at 20, but he is intelligent and very focused. That’s why I was pleased to give him a chance tonight and I think he took it already against Norwich and as well tonight he played very well.

on boos at the final whistle…

No, no, no I think people supported the team in the end we didn’t see goals of course, they are not used to not seeing goals at the Emirates. So for us it’s frustrating that we don’t score, but overall we are understanding as well that there are many young players in the team. That’s part of a learning process for them to play these kind of games.

on Francis Coquelin appearing to argue with supporters at the end…

No I didn’t see that, I went in straight away.

on how Alexis will be focussed against Manchester City on Sunday…

I don’t see a problem. I don’t see why against Manchester City it would be different than against another team. Alexis is a winner when he walks on the football pitch he wants to win.

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