Emirates Stadium

Concert Q&As

Fans out side Emirates Stadium

1.    Why do you want three extra concerts in 2021?

We know that the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic will be felt for many months ahead, if not longer. Many local businesses – shops, cafes, bars and restaurants - are struggling due to closures and lack of events and football matches. The extra concerts would provide Islington with a great opportunity to get back on its feet after the pandemic. 

2.    Is this a one-off for 2021 or will you be asking for three more concerts every year from now on?

Over the 14 years Emirates Stadium has been open, we have hosted a variety of music concerts and events. These events have passed of successfully and there have been few complaints about noise or other disturbance. It is our intention to host more events beyond 2021 for the benefit of the Islington community. These events will, of course, be dependent on this continued success and support from residents.

3.    Who will be appearing in 2021?

We are delighted that Emirates Stadium was selected as the only London venue to host The Killers, as part of their major UK and Ireland tour. This rescheduled two-day event will now take place on Friday 4 June and Saturday 5 June 2021. The Killers join an illustrious list of top artists and bands to play at Emirates Stadium since it opened, following the footsteps of Bruce Springsteen, Coldplay, Greenday and Muse. We have had interest from some of the biggest names in music regarding additional dates in 2021 and are confident of securing other world-famous musicians to perform in the borough. 

4.    How can we get tickets?

Tickets for The Killers can be purchased via ticketmaster.co.uk. 

5.    Will a percentage of tickets be reserved for residents?

200 tickets have been made available exclusively to residents for each night of The Killers. Where possible, we would look to replicate this provision for future concerts. 

6.    What will be the capacity for each concert?

Any concerts hosted at Emirates Stadium will have a lower capacity than the regular football matches held there. This is due to the specific restrictions of the chosen band’s layout and the restrictions of our safety certificate. Depending on stage layout and sightlines, we would anticipate each concert to have a maximum capacity of 55-59,000. 

7.    What time will the concerts end?

Emirates Stadium has a 10:30pm noise curfew, which is the same as other major concert venues in London. At each concert a member of the council’s licensing department and an external noise consultant will sit at the mixing desk in-stadium to monitor the noise and ensure that this curfew is met. Leaflets will be distributed to residents nearer to the time of the concert to confirm this information in more detail. 

8.    Prior to the concert days, how many days will be taken up by ‘sound checks’?

Historically sound checks take place over one period in advance of the concert day. These tend to take place on event day minus one, but this date must be submitted and agreed in advance with the council. In the past we have pushed our acts to ensure they keep their sound checks outside of school times in order to minimise disruption. This is something we will continue to do. A small amount of ‘tweaking’ can also take place on the event day itself, but this again is all at the discretion and monitoring of the council. Leaflets will be distributed to residents nearer the time to confirm the specific timings of the sound checks.

9.    What actions will be taken to minimise noise disturbance during the concerts and during the ‘sound checks’?

We know that noise disturbance is often one of the main concerns for our residents and we take all possible steps to monitor and minimise this. At each concert, noise will be constantly monitored within the stadium and across the borough by both an external consultant and the council. A noise complaint line will be available for residents to contact the council throughout the concert, and a member of the council and the external consultancy will sit on the mixing desk in-stadium to monitor and adjust the sound as appropriate. Every decision we make in this regard is agreed in advance with the Safety Advisory Group, which is chaired by the local authorities.  

10.    How will parking by concert-goers be controlled? 

Parking will be under the same restrictions as for a normal football matchday. In order to minimise traffic, there will be no parking available inside the stadium apart from for disabled access. Road closures around the stadium will be in place as a normal. Every decision we make in this regard is agreed in advance with the Safety Advisory Group, which is chaired by the local authorities.  

11.    How will the crowds be controlled before, during and after the concerts?

Concert crowds tend to arrive in a slower fashion over a longer period. However, full entry procedures will still be in place.  The same number of stewards will be working as a football matchday, with the same processes for searching and management of people inside and around the stadium. 

After the concert, our staff will set-up and manage barrier queuing systems outside Highbury and Islington and Arsenal station in order to minimise roadblocks and ensure that supporters leave the venue in a safe and controlled manner. Every decision we make in this regard is agreed in advance with the Safety Advisory Group, which is chaired by the local authorities.  

12.    How will rubbish collection and street sweeping be organised during and after the concerts?

The rubbish collection and street sweeping will be organised in conjunction with Islington Council, as it is for a usual football matchday. Nothing disposable will be sold around the footprint of the stadium by the club in order to limit litter in the immediate local areas. After each concert, the club will also monitor these areas to ensure they are left in a clean condition, as is the normal process for a football matchday at Emirates Stadium. Every decision we make in this regard is agreed in advance with the Safety Advisory Group, which is chaired by the local authorities.  

13.    How many police will be on duty to deal with anti-social behaviour?

Discussion and planning with the police form a vital part of all events at Emirates Stadium from the outset. Initial conversations take place with the club’s designated police officer that manages football matches before consulting with the senior police officer that will oversee on the day. The event will then then be taken to the Central Police Events Team, which cover all events from the London Marathon to concerts, to decide the appropriate level of policing. This decision is based on the profile of the crowd and the risk of anti-social behaviour– which tends to be considerably lower for concerts in comparison to football matches. Every decision we make in this regard is agreed in advance with the Safety Advisory Group, which is chaired by the local authorities.