Arsenal in the Community

Armando Sosa, Arsenal Gap Year 2015

Armando Sosa, Arsenal Gap Year 2015


From: Boise, Idaho, USA

Pre-Gap Year: Working at an architecture firm whilst coaching in free time

Post-Gap Year: Working and coaching, with plans to return to UK to gain further coaching qualifications

Gap Year placement(s): Mozambique, Australia

What did you gain from doing the Arsenal Gap Year?

I gained a bundle of great skills doing this programme. I learned how to better adjust on the fly; how to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations. I can now come into any group with no problems and take a full session if ever needed to in a last minute situation. I've become a much better coach and person through this programme.

What was your favourite part of the programme?

My favourite part of the program was being around my fellow Gappers. Honestly it was the best group I could have ever asked for. I became very good friends with several of them. There was such a comradery built in the group. Also getting to see the world – I never imagined living in Africa and I did. It was an amazing experience. Never once did I wake up this year and say "I don't want to come in."

How would you describe your overall experience on the Arsenal Gap Year?

It was beyond amazing and the best year of my life. I enjoyed every day of it. I would do it all over again if I had the chance.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of doing the Arsenal Gap Year?

Just join and be a part of such a great opportunity and an amazing club. It is hard work, but you will enjoy every minute of it. It won't feel like work one bit. I have zero regrets about this year. You will not wake up a single day and think to yourself you don't want to be in that day.