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Platinum and Gold Members can post their seat(s) by emailing
You will need to quote the following information in the email for each seat that you are posting:
- Valid Membership number(s)
- Valid email address
- Block, Row and seat details
- Surname of each member
If your seat(s) is successfully sold, you will be sent a confirmation email and your Platinum/Gold card(s) will be de-activated for the match.
Should your seat(s) not be sold then your Platinum/Gold membership card will become active once the posting expires, you will also be sent an email confirming this.
- Please note that the deadline to post your seat(s) on the Ticket Exchange will be Tuesday 12th August 2008 at 5pm.
- The Ticket Exchange will close to Silver and Red Members on Wednesday 13th August 2008 at 3pm.
Silver and Red Members: Please ensure that you search all Upper and Lower tier general admission areas and Club level for ticket availability.
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