
Ladies announce May Soccer Schools

Arsenal Ladies train

 Arsenal Ladies are pleased to announce three soccer school programmes throughout May half term. To book your place please visit:

Select book course. Search course type Arsenal Ladies. If you have any questions prior to the camp please contact

Tuesday, May 31
Venue: University of Hertfordshire, AL109EU
Time: 10-3pm
Theme: Jemma Rose defending
Information: Players aged 7-13 years. All abilities welcome.
Surface: 3G

Wednesday, June 1
Venue: Larkspur Rovers
Time: 9.30-4pm
Theme: Player Development Programme
Information: Invitation only programme incorporating two practical and two theory workshops. Players aged 7-13 years.
Surface: 3G

Thursday, June 2
Venue: Willen Pavillion, Milton Keynes
Time: 10-3pm
Theme: Jemma Rose – Defending
Information: Players aged 7-13 years. All abilities welcome.
Surface: Grass

Friday, June 3
Venue: Berkhamstead Sports Space
Time: 10-3pm
Theme: Danielle Carter attacking
Information: Players aged 7-13 years. All abilities welcome.

What to bring:

  • Moulded boots or trainers 
  • Shin pads (which must be worn at all times during play)
  • Light-weight waterproof jacket
  • A packed lunch (no nut based food please)
  • Plenty to drink throughout the day (still drinks only)
  • Sun protection (i.e. lotion and cap)
  • Any medication required (i.e. Asthma inhaler)