
Wenger - Szczesny has responded well

Arsene Wenger says he is pleased with Wojciech Szczesny’s reaction to missing Arsenal’s last two games.

Szczesny was replaced in goal by Lukasz Fabianski for the wins against Bayern Munich and Swansea City.

That decision provoked comments from Szczesny’s father from which the goalkeeper was quick to distance himself.

“I haven’t spoken to him [about his father’s comments] and I believe he responded very well,” Wenger said.

“There is a not a lot more to say. We are in a competitive world, he has nearly played 100 games for this club and at his age that is absolutely fantastic.

“The rest, we have ups and downs in our form and we have to fight against that. That’s what he said, basically.

“He has a great future. He is a very young goalkeeper. You do not find very many goalkeepers at his age who have the experience he has already. That’s why I believe he has a great future. But he lives in a world where competition exists.”