
Extra: Wenger on Cech, Gabriel and form

Read extra quotes from Arsène Wenger's press conference ahead of the Newcastle United game. For more headlines, visit our Digest page.

on Cech…
I said many times that it is maybe the most underrated position in football and goalkeepers are more important than everybody thinks. When you look at his record it is absolutely fantastic, because considering the number of games he played and the number of games he had a clean sheet, that speaks for itself. On top of that I must say I am surprised how quickly he integrated into our team. It looks like he has always played here for us… how quickly he became comfortable inside and important inside the team, is amazing.


on 'Jekyll and Hyde' performances…
When I speak about consistency that means that you want to win every single game. I still feel that we were a bit unlucky on the day [at Southampton], we had maybe not recovered completely from the Man City game or maybe we were too confident from the Man City game. On top of that, the first three goals were a bit unlucky. I consider that we didn't turn up with the wanted performance on the night.

on Gabriel…
He is ready. I played him in a few games since the start of the season. I play him in training with Koscielny, with Mertesacker, we have three central defenders [and] that will be needed, but how I rotate them I haven't decided yet. I trust him completely. He wants to play more, of course. I think as well that he is happy here and I'm sure before the end of the season he will play more games.