
Arsenal in the Community awards - Pics

Alan Sefton

Arsenal in the Community held their annual awards ceremony in the Woolwich Suite at Emirates Stadium on Monday afternoon.

The event celebrated the achievements and work of more 300 Arsenal in the Community participants over the course of the 2014/15 season.

The Stoke Newington School Under-13 girls team, who won the Premier League School Sports trophy at White Hart Lane in May, were given a special reception, as were students from Petchey Academy who performed a piece of music at the event.

Guests also heard from star Arsenal in the Community trainee Connor Nilan, and Andrea Andreas, a former participant on the Premier League 4Sport programme who went on to gain casual work with Arsenal and win a scholarship to study in the United States.

Club legends Pat Rice and Perry Groves were on hand to congratulate the winners, along with representatives from Islington Council and local MP Jeremy Corbyn.

After the ceremony, attendees had the opportunity to have their picture taken with the FA Cup.

Head of Arsenal in the Community Alan Sefton said: "The awards are in their third year now and are a great way to mark the achievements of the young people we work with. I would like to congratulate everyone who received an award today for all their hard work in the past year."