
Newcastle match dedicated to Arsenal For Everyone

Emirates Stadium

We have dedicated Monday night’s game against Newcastle United to our Arsenal For Everyone campaign. 

Launched in 2008, Arsenal For Everyone aims to celebrate the diversity of the Arsenal family. This takes place through initiatives in the community, inside Emirates Stadium and throughout the club.

This year, Kick It Out’s 25th anniversary and the Premier League’s No Room For Racism campaign will also form part of the celebrations, with a joint team photo taking place before the game. 

On the evening, Arsenal in the Community participants from a range of projects will welcome the players onto the field, and Arsenal For Everyone branded flags and banners will be on display.

At half-time three members of our longest-running short mat bowls programme will take to the track to exhibit their skills and speak about how they feel connected to the Arsenal family.

There will be a number of videos on display throughout the evening which will showcase the Arsenal For Everyone work we have undertaken over the past year; from Rishi Sunak MP’s visit to our Changing Places facility to Nile Rogers introducing a dance video made by Clapton Girls’ Academy. 

Alongside the 24 Arsenal Community participants invited to the match, we will also be hosting representatives from Kick It Out and Gay Gooners in our Directors’ Box.